Hello! My name is Morgan, in case you haven’t pieced that together by the URL and giant banner and me saying it. I’m a YouTuber, artist, and all around cool girl who made this website. My likes include my elderly little dog, the video game stylings of the Nintendo 3DS, and slacker comedies. My dislikes are too many to be listed here – but rest assured, if you’re reading this you passed the vibe check.
My full-time job is in news, so building and maintaining this website (and my personal WIP evilmorgan.com *wink*), has been a nice break from all the bad things that I’m hyper aware of. It’s also been a fun way to gain and practice HTML and CSS skills that have long atrophied since my Tumblr theme days. And, a third added bonus, it’s sticking it to the algorithm overlords at those huge social media companies – so suck it *redacted*, *redacted*, and *redacted*.
Anyways, this is all to say, enjoy this weird work-in-progress. Leave a comment if you so enjoyed – and also here’s a button if you want to put it on your site. I’m going to work on putting a little gallery of buttons for Neocities sites I’ve enjoyed somewhere on this page eventually